With metal-ceramic crowns, the base layer consists of metal with an all-round layer of ceramics (porcelain) over it. The metal gives the crown resistance against chewing forces and the formation of cracks whilst the ceramics supply the tooth colour.
Major progress was made in the production of aesthetic treatments in the natural colour of teeth through the introduction of metal-ceramics more than 40 years ago. The disadvantages of dental prostheses with plastic facings (e.g. colour changes due to the porosity of the material, rapid wear and abrasion) are avoided by using metal-ceramics as a material for producing dental prostheses.
Metal-ceramic Crowns
Metal-ceramic replacements have meanwhile become a standard process in dental prosthetics. The resulting improvements in materials have led to optimum aesthetic results, especially around the neck of teeth. Any risk of low quality in the bonding of metal crowns and the coating material can now be regarded as solved.