Is it a computer? Is it a machine? No, it’s Wieland Zenotec Select! Or rather, a super new technology in dental medicine which makes all others look inadequate when it comes to your teeth.
As is always the case with superheroes, the story begins in the virtual world but materialises very quickly into graspable reality which is in this case future-oriented CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing), where the design and manufacture of dental prostheses (crowns, veneers, bridges, implants, etc.) is facilitated and completed with the aid of computers.
With conventional prosthetics production processes, the patient received a temporary prosthesis and had to wait several weeks until the laboratory had produced the necessary prosthetic elements. With CAD/CAM technology, the waiting time for implants is reduced to a few days without any negative impact on quality. Faster, more precise and simpler production also allows costs to be reduced, which is a further benefit of digitalisation and computerisation in dental medicine.
Dental Prosthetics
Now we have familiarised ourselves with the basic principles, it is time to meet the main figure in this story. That is the Wieland Zenotec Select device, which is the embodiment of the CAD/CAM services. It is best described in three words: PRECISE, COMPACT and VERSATILE. The precision of this device is reflected in the computer-controlled production system which is reflected in a top system of five-fold simultaneous operation with all the benefits of automated production. The VERSATILITY of the application allows eight discs which contain the various materials for producing prosthetics and allow a specialist to incorporate handling with the materials in the actual device. In time, a system with a universal and evident database is created in this way. For each restoration, the system will select and insert the disc which contains the relevant material. This removes the possibility of human error, accelerates the production process and offers maximum precision. It is therefore possible to leave the machine working overnight whilst new materials are no problem for this super device.